Monday, May 14, 2012


As stated below, Shopbop needs to develop a better system of using metrics.

Shown above is Shopbop's report on  While the webtraffic has almost doubled over the last year, I believe there are improvements than can be made.

For starters, Metrics such as the ones listed below should be recorded and analyzed:
  • New Visitor Conversion Rate
  • Return Visitor Conversion Rate
  • Pageviews/Visit
  • Items/Order
  • Average Order Value
  • Landing Page Bounce Rates
  • Landing Page Load Times
  • Traffic Sources
  • Orders Per Customer Per Year
  • Average Time when Completing Check Outprocess
  • Shopping Cart/Checkout Abandonment Rate
  • Average Speed of Customer Service Response

Suggestions to improve CRM

  1. Utilize SEO
  2. Show Stock Availability when reaching low quantity.  This goes further than simply displaying sizes in stock, quantity should be displayed when under 5.
  3. If customer is located outside the US, shipping charges should be displayed on item view page.  This should be known based on account information.
  4. If a customer doesn't prefer to make an account, allow express checkout without enableing cookies to save information.  Explain why having an account is useful, but don't hinder sales because some customers don't feel comfortable creating an account.  If accounts are prefered, maybe start a program where customers can purchase sale items without the creation of an account.  A customer purchasing a sales item may think they are performing a one-time-only purchase from the company because they typically can't afford merchandise sold, therefore don't hinder them from doing so.
  5. Provide contact information during checkout process, and create a 24 hour customer service line-even if it is a simple recording covering FAQs.
  6. Send an email immediately once cart abandonment takes place. Ask questions such as "What went wrong", or "need help?", incase they did abandon on mistake.  Also include how long the item will stay reserved for the customer specifically AND how long the item will reamain in the cart.
  7. Ask customers where they heard of Shopbop, this may give insight to improve the sight.
  8. Create a mobile platform, AND mobile/tablet app. 
  9. Create an exlusive line and possibly venture to the men's market. 

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