Monday, May 14, 2012

Integrated Marketing Campaign

Shopbop lacks Advertorials.  While they do brand collaborations, it is more so relating trends/lookbooks rather than promoting a campaign.  The use of celebrities and fashion icons is completely lack there of.  I thought great personas to be used for furture advatorials were Rachel Zoe, Michelle Obama, and Kate Middleton.  These Stylish women all maintain the stylish, fashion-savy aspect of Shopbop, While still being relateable to the professonial women targeted. 

Integrated Marketing Campaign

When developing a marketing campaign, I decided I wanted to go further than a simple marketing campaign.  I wanted to introduce, and test, the idea of a men's market on  The accessories category contains many items that could be considered unisex.

Here we have the titled sexiest man alive, Ryan Gosling.  Not only is he the man of the moment, and year, but he is also a style icon.  He can be looked up to by stright and gay men, so it doesn't catagorize shopbops potential men's market just yet.

Ryan will meet with Shopbop's team of stylists and choose five of his favorite accessories offered on the site.  The stylists would then hold a photoshoot, and collaborate with Mr. Gosling to create a lookbook featuring his top five items.  This lookbook will then be featured on Shopbop's blog, twitter, and facebook.  The lookbook should also follow a marketing strategy outside shopbop, such as appearing in the NYT, GQ, and other top men's fashion blogs.  Depending on the reaction of the campaign, shopbop will then be able to decide on whether they can move into the men's market.

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